Energy Management & Energy Efficiency

The energy sector is in a state of transition as we transform to an increasingly low carbon, smart and decentralized energy system. The way in which consumers manage their demand and consumption of energy has now become a strategic priority as they seek to take advantage of a range economic, reputational and sustainability benefits.

Toshev & Boteva helps clients to implement energy management strategies to enable them to realize their strategic priorities including enhancing their reputation for sustainability, reducing energy consumption, developing smart energy infrastructure, guarding against volatility in wholesale energy prices, achieving security of supply, improving resilience and generating an income from innovative solutions.


Toshev & Boteva offers a full service offering across all legal practice areas to advise both domestic and international high energy users, investors, banks, developers, contractors and technology providers in connection with:

  • On-site energy generation projects including the procurement, funding and installation of a variety of different technologies such as water power plants (WPP), solar PV, biomass, CHP plants, energy from waste and anaerobic digestion
  • District utilities networks including heat, cooling, private wire electricity and telecoms supplies for property developers, land-owners and C&I customers
  • Renewable power purchase agreements including near-site private wire projects and offsite corporate PPAs using sleeved or synthetic structures
  • Energy savings and energy efficiency projects involving the procurement, funding and installation of a variety of measures ranging from smart building controls, energy efficient lighting, biomass boilers, solar PV, CHP systems and air conditioning units.
  • Energy performance contracts acting for customers and energy services companies in the public and private sector. ESCO contracts.
  • Smart metering projects acting for suppliers and customers
  • Smart cities and smart grids projects including e-mobility, street lighting projects, electric vehicle charging infrastructure, vehicle to grid technology and the associated digital infrastructure required
  • Regulatory advice relevant to the transition the energy sector to an increasingly low carbon, smart and decentralized energy system

Blockchain disruptive energy use cases

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